In 2001, Dr. Sai Sam Htun, a local energy drink entrepreneur decided to launch a high profile potable water brand. After some initial discussion, Amd was to design, supply, install and maintain this new water treatment facility to be located in Hmawbi. The initial Amd design included filtration. Dosing with Auto controller and high-quality Davey Australian Pumps. The system was unlike any other operating at the time. A deliberate decision to avoid Reverse Osmosis ensured that minerals would remain in the water. Furthermore, tightly controlled ozonation was employed in order to sterilize the water for the second time in the process. Amd ensured that the ozone was neither under nor overdosed. Alpine became the most successful drinking water in Myanmar. Amd increased the system capacity on three occasions. Many of the Davey pump installed in 2004 remain in operation until today. Alpine has a large quality control laboratories located on-site, continuous monitoring is carried out.