Although originally established as a supplier of Medical Diagnostic products eg. Hepatitis and HIV screening kits, we were requested to undertake water treatment engineering. This resulted from a meeting circa November 1997 between Fenton Holland (GM) Amd and Dr. Richard Jones, medical advisor for Texaco and Premier oil 1996-2000. Premier were offshore constructing the Yetagun gas pipeline from the Yetagun field to the coastline near Daminsek village and onto the Thai Border at Yadana. This seven hundred million dollar investment involved an offshore platform, onshore logistics centers and office and a major pipeline both undersea and onshore. Personnel from the UK were brought in to manage the project. Dr. Jones was concerned that of the twenty rental houses required for these personnel and their family none had access to potable water. Follow up microbiological tests all positive for Choliform confirmed the need. It was decided to install water treatment systems capable of removing potential pathogens. Initially a pilot scale installation was done at 18 E Inya Road. Installation was completed in January 1998. Thereafter numerous other houses and the Premier office had filtration system installed and later maintained by Amd. The Yetagun project was eventually completed in 2000 and the gas still flows to Thailand some twenty years later.